

What Doctors won't tell you.

In the West we've cured the old diseases like diphtheria, smallpox and polio and replaced them by modern diseases of cancer, heart failure and diabetes.

Most of us are chronically deficient of some nutrient or other. Why? Because our modern diet is far from ideal, and intensive farming has depleted many essential trace elements from the soil (soil depletion), so even the most healthy diet is still lacking in some essential nutrient or other.

This chronic shortage takes a long time to show because your body uses up the last smidgen of these nutrients before deficiencies start to reveal themselves.

In the Western world, medicine is mainly curative, not preventive, i.e. we are treated with drugs/chemicals when we become ill. A doctor in Britain takes five and a half years to qualify and usually receives only half a day of teaching in nutrition.

But there is a growing awareness that our future lies not in drugs, but in nutrition and dietary supplements. The following summary has been taken from several sources and has been edited for easier reading.  

Some foods and drugs are not the answer
 Many prescribed drugs--including over-the-counter medications-- can create more disease than they cure. How? By increasing depletion of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that have essential roles to play in maintaining or restoring health.

And modern diets are no better (see our prehistoric beginnings). Hydrogenated oils that are in just about everything can't be digested, they are excreted in your stools. But they are the ideal solvent for vitamins, flushing them out of your body rather than allowing you to absorb them. Palm oils, hydrogenated oils, milk proteins, lupin flour, and many other ingredients are used to bulk out manufactured products that are an unnatural diet. 

Many doctors are unaware of such nutrient depletion because food and pharmaceutical companies don't tell them. 

If you notice any of these symptoms early on, you're lucky. Until Body Language came along, symptoms often remained hidden--or their causes went undiscovered -- until life-threatening consequences appeared. Depleted levels of vital body nutrients also lead to lowered immune system function, in turn causing a host of other maladies. Now you can target your deficiency with the right food.

Common Drugs, Common Problems
Aspirin, acid-blockers, and cholesterol-lowering drugs can put you at risk for anemia by depleting the body of iron, the signs of which include weakness and hair loss. If your doctor detects anemia, they may offer iron supplementation yet still not identify your medication as the source of the problem.

A lot of drugs also interfere with nutrient absorption or with their metabolism, storage, transport, or use by cells. Because the initial signs of nutritional deficiency are subtle, cells and organs may become prone to disease conditions before the need for supplements (or for changing medications) is recognized. Medications that interfere with calcium absorption, for instance, can lead to osteoporosis.

Antibiotics are a good example because they kill helpful bacteria. Women taking antibiotics consequently develop an overgrowth of Candida, including vaginal yeast infections, and doctors prescribe even more medications to combat the yeast. This cycle can lead to immune system disturbance if overused. Antibiotics also deplete B vitamins that are necessary for hundreds of biological processes, including proper nervous system functioning--suggesting, yes, another array of pharmaceutical interventions. 

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is another category of nutrient-depleting drugs. Vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium can be depleted, causing lowered resistance to colds and stress; magnesium depletion also interferes with absorption of calcium. Low levels of vitamin B-6, B-12, and folic acid associated with HRT or oral contraceptives also have a high correlation with elevated homocysteine levels, which result in arterial plaque build-up. When the heart has to work harder to adapt to plaque-narrowed arteries, blood pressure rises.

Medications that lower blood pressure cause escalating problems of their own. Some reduce the levels of coenzyme Q10, a powerful antioxidant that is essential for cell energy and repairing free-radical damage to the heart muscle. Deficiencies can put you at risk for heart disease. Pretty ironic for a cardiovascular medicine!

Blood pressure medications further deplete vitamin B6 (already depleted by estrogen replacement), thereby interfering with neurotransmitters that regulate mood, sleep, and appetite--all disturbances that can cause depression. To treat depression, doctors often prescribe antidepressants that would be unnecessary if the causes of depression were recognized. Some antidepressant drugs also deplete Vitamin B2, and can trigger suicide attempts.

Many medications can contribute to making the body too acidic, a condition in which opportunistic diseases can take hold and in which cancer cells can thrive. The typical Western diet, rich in meat, dairy products, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods, already tends to make the body acidic; medications may compound the problem.

Correcting the Problem
In Europe, one third of cancer sufferers also take alternative medication. Many health problems can be alleviated through methods other than prescription drugs. If you choose to try alternatives, be certain to consult with a health professional before stopping any current prescription medication, and continue to take nutritional supplements to counteract the existing deficiencies.

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