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Do you have Insomnia?

You may have a Vitamin B or a Mineral Deficiency.

Deficiencies in certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes may disrupt sleep. Calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, folic acid and melatonin deficiencies may impair sleep.

What is insomnia?

Sometime in your life you may have difficulty sleeping - many people do. Anyone can suffer from insomnia, although sleeping problems are more common among women (especially menopausal), the ill, the elderly, smokers, and alcoholics. Sleep problems are, however, surprisingly common among young people. While it is not an illness and is in no way life-threatening, insomnia can be very distressing, frustrating, exhausting, depressing and at worst it can make you feel like you're going crazy.

Insomnia is either transitory (short term) or chronic (longer lasting). Problems sleeping take different forms: 

·           Difficulty falling asleep - more common among young people

·           Sleeping lightly and restlessly, waking often, lying awake in the middle of the night - more common in people over 40. In younger people it may be associated with depression.

·           Waking early and being unable to get back to sleep - this is more common in older people and anyone worrying about something in particular.

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