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Do you have mercury fillings in your teeth?

If you do, you may be deficient in SELENIUM and GLUTATHIONE

There is a very strong interaction between some trace elements. A surplus of mercury causes a diminution of selenium. Why is that important?

"Most of our cancer patients have a lot of amalgam dental fillings. 1 remember a study we made few years ago at the University of Vienna. One group of students with amalgam fillings had to chew a chewing gum for twenty minutes, and the other group had to drink hot lemon juice for twenty minutes. We wanted to know what happens with the mercury level in their blood. By chewing the gum, with dental fillings of amalgam, or by drinking hot and acid juices, there was always a big mercury intake in the blood.

In the same way, the level of selenium was lowered, because a lot of selenium was needed to detoxify the mercury to mercury Selenite, and therefore it was not available any longer. What we didn't expect was that the immune status showed us a small decrease in the immune-competent cells after this test-after 20 minutes of chewing gum or drinking hot juice"

This is a transcript of a lecture delivered to the Proceedings of the First World Congress on Cancer by Professor W Kostler (President of Austrian Society of Oncology, Austria.)

The internet has lots of information about mercury toxicity and about amalgam fillings. Essential selenium in the body is being used up to flush out mercury, so anyone with amalgam fillings is likely to be selenium deficient. 

Amalgam fillings are also implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome, autism and foetal birth defects. 

Thimerasol (Thimerosal in USA) is a mercury based preservative that was still used in Britain in child vaccines until a strategic withdrawal by U.K. Government in August 2004. Britain, I understand, was the last country to ban mercury preservative in vaccine. This has been documented as the possible link between child autism and vaccination. Of course, like so many of the stories in this website, there have always been safer alternatives, but they were not used. I wonder why.

For the effect of selenium deficiency on cancer risk, click here

Glutathione. Selenium has been shown to be an important component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase which is of crucial importance to the immune system and to the protection of the cell walls. This enzyme and selenium itself are both important antioxidants. The most clearly illustrated incidence of selenium deficiency stems from China, where selenium soil levels are extremely low in some areas: a widespread and fatal heart disease in children (Keshnan’s Disease) was shown to arise from selenium deficiency and has been successfully treated with sodium selenite. It has also been revealed that selenium contributes as an antidote to heavy metals, by forming salt compounds with them, thus enabling them to be excreted from the body.

Glutathione is a chain of amino acids that controls the status of cell life, including detoxification of oxyradicals and carcinogens. If glutathione is depleted, an organism can be predisposed to incur stress from pollutants (Ringwood et al. 2000). Glutathione and glutathione-related enzymes are important antioxidants. These enzymes appear to play an important role in detoxifying carcinogens 

Glutathione status has also been shown to have an impact on the ability of the body to handle heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, lead and mercury. 

Glutathione is also closely tied to immunity, protecting the cells and assisting the liver in detoxifying harmful compounds and toxins. When taking glutathione, vitamin C is also recommended because vitamin C assists glutathione in maintaining its powerful free radical-suppressing effects.

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Take with the foods rich in glutathione on the next page

More about selenium and glutathione

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