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Do you have shaking hands?

If you do, you could be deficient in MAGNESIUM and VITAMIN B1 

Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.

People only slightly deficient in magnesium become irritable, high-strung, sensitive to noise, hyperexcitable, apprehensive, and beligerent. If the deficiency is more severe, or prolonged, they may develop twitching, tremors, irregular pulse, insomnia, muscle weakness, jerkiness, and leg and foot cramps; their hands may shake so badly that their writing becomes illegible. 

Electroencephalograms, electrocardiograms, and electromyograms, or the records of electrical waves in the brain, heart, and muscles, all become abnormal.

If magnesium is severely deficient, the brain is particularly affected. Clouded thinking, confusion, disorientation, marked depression, and even terrifying hallucinations of delerium tremens are largely brought on by a lack of this nutrient and remedied when magnesium is given. 

Improvement is usually dramatic within hours after magnesium is taken.

If shaking or trembling has been present for less than 2 years, it may be caused by temporary conditions such as:

Increased anxiety or stress
Certain medications
Caffeine excess or caffeine withdrawal
Nicotine or smoking excess or nicotine withdrawal
Alcohol excess or alcohol/drug withdrawal

Such shaking or trembling could also be caused by conditions such as:

Endocrine imbalances
Electrolyte imbalances
Hormonal imbalances

As many as 1 in 20 people older than age 40 and 1 in 5 people over 65 may have essential tremor (ET). There may be as many as 10 million people with ET in the United States, and many more worldwide. Essential tremor is much more common than most neurologic disease, with the exception of stroke, and is more common than Parkinson's disease – a disorder characterized by resting tremor, stiffness and slowness of movement.

Essential tremor is a very common but complex neurologic movement disorder. It's called "essential" because in the past, it had no known cause. It's not caused by another neurological condition or the side effect of a medication. ET usually affects the hands, but it may also affect the head and neck (causing shaking), face, jaw, tongue, voice (causing a shaking or quivering sound), the trunk and, rarely, the legs and feet. The tremor may be a rhythmic "back-and-forth" or "to-and-fro" movement produced by involuntary (unintentional) contractions of the muscle. Severity of the tremors can vary greatly from hour to hour and day to day.

Some people experience tremor only in certain positions – this is called postural tremor. Tremor that worsens while writing or eating is called kinetic or action-specific tremor. Most people with ET have both postural and kinetic tremor.

Vitamin B1 is is a water-soluble vitamin needed to process carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Every cell of the body requires vitamin B1 to form the fuel the body runs on—adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nerve cells require vitamin B1 in order to function normally. Deficiency can cause tremors.

A decline in vitamin B1 levels occurs with age, irrespective of medical condition. Deficiency is most commonly found in alcoholics, people with poor absorption conditions, and those eating a very poor diet. It is also common in children with congenital heart disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome may also be deficient in vitamin B1. Individuals undergoing regular kidney dialysis may develop severe vitamin B1 deficiency, which can result in serious complications. 

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More about magnesium and Vitamin B1

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