

Technical Review Papers on Body Language

Vitamin B6 deficiency  Percept Motor Skill 2002; 94: 135-140  Animal products including offal, fish and eggs. Vegetable sources include melon, cabbage, bananas and avocados.
Zinc deficiency  Microchem J1998; 59: 194-202                      Zinc is present in lean meat, seafood, especially oysters; eggs, soybeans, peanuts, wheat germ, and cheese.
Vitamin B3 deficiency  www.diagnose-me.com/cond/C228362.html Animal sources include liver, poultry, lean meat, fish and eggs while plant sources include whole grains, nuts, avocados and enriched flour. 
chromium deficiency  www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/insulin.htm Chromium is high in wholemeal bread, brewer's yeast, liver, lean meats, poultry, whole grains, eggs and cheese.
Vitamin B12 deficiency   J Int Med 2003; 254: 343-352   This vitamin is not produced by plants, so the only source is animal products, particularly offal, fish, eggs and dairy products.
molybdenum deficiency  Histol Histopathol 1997; 2: 513-524  Foods such as wheat, canned beans, wheatgerm, liver, legumes, offal and eggs
Taurine deficiency  Amino Acids 2004; 26: 267-271  Meat and fish. Taurine is manufactured in the body from amino acids (methionine and cysteine). Infants are unable to produce their own Taurine and rely on food sources.
Vitamin B5 deficiency  J Invest Dermatol 2003; 120: 428-433  The vitamin is present in meat, whole grains, bran, nuts and molasses. It is also high in animal products such as chicken, kidneys, and eggs.
Para-Amino Benzoic Acid Deficiency  www.vrp.com/art/669.asp PABA is found in liver, kidney, brewer's yeast, molasses, whole grains, mushrooms and spinach, and can be made by intestinal bacteria. 
Methionine deficiency  Food sources include beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, yogurt.
tryptophan deficiency  Neurosc Biobeh Rev 2002; 26: 293-308                               J Med Invest. 2004 Aug;51(3-4):139-45.  Generally all seeds, nuts, and most vegetables contain tryptophan. The best sources of this amino acid, however, are barley, sweet potatoes, cashew nuts, mangoes, papayas, and milk.

Omega 3 and 6 deficiency  Agro Food Ind Hi Tec 2002; 13: 50-51 
sodium deficiency 
Vitamin B2 deficiency  J Biol Rhythm 1999; 14: 4-10  Lean meats, liver, kidneys, milk, cheese, green vegetables especially broccoli.
Omega 3 and 6 deficiency  J Exp Med 2005; 201: 671-674 
iron deficiency  Pediatr Hemet Oncol 2005; 22: 127-131  Iron is present in red and to a lesser extent, white meat, seafood and other animal products. It is also present in dark green vegetables whole grains, nuts, and dried fruit. 
zinc deficiency  J Neurosci Res 2005; 80: 145-149  Zinc is present in lean meat, seafood, especially oysters; eggs, soybeans, peanuts, wheat germ, and cheese.
iodine deficiency  Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2004; 74: 103-115  Iodine is in high concentrations in seaweed, white fish. Table salt is frequently supplemented with Iodine. Higher intakes are recommended during pregnancy.
need more L-phenylalanine or magnesium
Vitamin B5 deficiency  Physiol Res 1999; 48: 175-187  The vitamin is present in meat, whole grains, bran, nuts and molasses. It is also high in animal products such as chicken, kidneys, and eggs.
Manganese deficiency  Best Pract Res Cl Rh 2001; 15: 595-607  Sources include cereals, tea, green leafed vegetables, wholewheat bread, pulses and nuts.
Thiamine deficiency  Alcohol Alcoholism 1996; 31: 421-427 
magnesium deficiency Sleep Med 2003; 4: 263-264  Magnesium is in high concentrations in brown rice, soybeans, nuts, wholemeal flour, fish, green vegetables, milk and pulses.
molybdenum deficiency  Acta Otolaryngol. 2003 Dec;123(9):1087-93. Foods such as wheat, canned beans, wheatgerm, liver, legumes, offal and eggs. 
Vitamin A and or EFA deficiency Found in animal products like liver, eggs, butter and fish oils. Also found in red or orange vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, and peppers.
Possible food allergies
Vitamin B1, B2 or B6 deficiency J Oral Pathol MED 1991; 20: 389-91 B1 from whole grains, brown rice, seafood and pulses. B2 from lean meat, offal, dairy produce and green vegetables. B6 from offal fish, eggs, cabbage, bananas and avocados.
Magnesium or potassium deficiency Deutsc Med Wochens 2003; 128: 1225-8 Magnesium is in high concentrations in brown rice, soybeans, nuts, wholemeal flour, fish, green vegetables, milk and pulses.
Selenium deficiency Photoderm Photo 2003; 19: 182-9 
Vitamin B6 deficiency  Nutr Rev 2004; 62: 96-104  Animal products including offal, fish and eggs. Vegetable sources include melon, cabbage, bananas and avocados.
Magnesium or zinc deficiency Otolaryng Clin N Am2003; 36: 359-,                               Auris Nasas Larynx 2002; 29: 329-33  Magnesium is  high in brown rice, soybeans, nuts, wholemeal flour, fish, green vegetables, milk and pulses.
magnesium deficiency Headache1991; 31: 298-301  Magnesium is in high concentrations in brown rice, soybeans, nuts, wholemeal flour, fish, green vegetables, milk and pulses.
Lithium or vitamin B12 deficiency J Psychopharm 2005; 19: 59-65                                     Med Hypotheses 2005; 64: 142-150 
This vitamin is not produced by plants, so the only source is animal products, particularly offal, fish, eggs and dairy products.
Boron deficiency J Nutr 1996; 126: S2441-S2451 Suppl. S  Fruit and vegetables contain Boron, but most modern agriculture has depleted it from the soil, so even with fresh vegetables you may not be getting enough. If you have arthritis you can be sure you need a supplement of Boron. 
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